Friday, July 17, 2009


Can I just say, I HATE MESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We spent all morning cleaning the house, then I step out to do the shopping for the scout 50 miler this next week, and come home to a disaster! Watermelon all over the table, chairs, floor, toys strewn across all the floors, papers everywhere, notebooks, pencils, playdoh... How do five kids make such a mess, when they were supposedly watching movies while I was gone? (They really were watching movies, they had two going plus the computer when I got home.)

Erin had left out the mop water, so Rhi had "mopped" the bathroom floor ( and part of the bedroom carpet). Rhi was on her 3rd set of clothes for the day (one got "dirty", the other wet)- ERin also hadn't finished her vacuuming (since I wasn't here to prod)- Branden was throwing a fit cuz he couldn't play Wii- Jeff was frantically trying to pack the last of their supplies for the camping trip that he needed to have at the church by six, need I go on?

What a night! Now, Jeff is back at work, the kids are all in bed, and it is finally quiet. (Almost anyway, the washer and dryer are still going.) Do you ever wonder just what exactly you signed yourself up for? I'm throwing that out into the void tonight.

Can I just say, I HATE MESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We spent all morning cleaning the house, then I step out to do the shopping for the scout 50 miler this next week, and come home to a disaster! Watermelon all over the table, chairs, floor, toys strewn across all the floors, papers everywhere, notebooks, pencils, playdoh... How do five kids make such a mess, when they were supposedly watching movies while I was gone? (They really were watching movies, they had two going plus the computer when I got home.)

Erin had left out the mop water, so Rhi had "mopped" the bathroom floor ( and part of the bedroom carpet). Rhi was on her 3rd set of clothes for the day (one got "dirty", the other wet)- ERin also hadn't finished her vacuuming (since I wasn't here to prod)- Branden was throwing a fit cuz he couldn't play Wii- Jeff was frantically trying to pack the last of their supplies for the camping trip that he needed to have at the church by six, need I go on?

What a night! Now, Jeff is back at work, the kids are all in bed, and it is finally quiet. (Almost anyway, the washer and dryer are still going.) Do you ever wonder just what exactly you signed yourself up for? I'm throwing that out into the void tonight.

That's what my post looks like in webdings. I like it! It looks like cartoon swearing! That makes me feel better. Now I can go to bed happy. Goodnight!


Backwoods Browns said...

Oh boy! I feel your pain! I'm so sorry it was such a crazy day! It sounded a lot like my day! It just never ends does it! *Whew* Thank goodness for bedtime ! :)

Calie said...

some days are like that arent they. I miss you! We need to have a play day again. Those 2 minutes at church are just not cuttin it for me....what about you?